Life brings sunshine and rain. Both are needed to produce flowers.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


I've been aware of the spiritual world from my earliest memories.  However, it wasn't until my teen years that the reality and presence of both good and evil in the spiritual world manifested itself to me.  There was a real struggle for my soul that began as I started searching for God and desiring a relationship with Him.  Demonic spirits physically attacked me and attempted other ways of separating me from God.  But before I tell that part I need to share some things I've learned along the way.  

Humans are surrounded by spiritual beings on this earth; in fact, we are out numbered!  These spiritual entities are either good or evil.  When we were created God also created angels, and they were given great power and authority to do whatever God assigned them.  At one point about one third of the angels decided they wanted be like God rather then serve Him.  God sent these rebellious angels down to earth where they would spend the remainder of their time until the earth was destroyed.


I call those evil beings demons, and their leader satan.  They have incredible power and should be taken seriously.  They are able to disguise themselves as “angels of light” in order to deceive us.  I have learned if there is ANY fear associated with a spiritual encounter then it is evil or satanic in it’s source.  Also, and this is very important in discerning  the difference between good and evil entities, demons cannot stand the name of Jesus Christ!  They will flee when they hear His name, and I have experienced this numerous times.  Even when sleeping if I have a nightmare that is demonic all I have to do is call out Jesus name and they run.


Unclean spirits speak:  Mark 1:26  “And when the unclean spirit had torn him, and cried with a loud voice, he came out of him.”

They walk. They need to rest:  Matt 12:43  “When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walks through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none.”

They can be talked to. They listen. They can be commanded to leave.  Mark 5:8 “For he said unto him, Come out of the man, thou unclean spirit.”  Mark 9:25 “When Jesus saw that the people came running together, he rebuked the foul spirit, saying unto him, [Thou] dumb and deaf spirit, I charge thee, come out of him, and enter no more into him.”
They fight.  Luke 9:39  “And, lo, a spirit takes him, and he suddenly cries out; and it tears him that he foams again,
and bruising him hardly departs from him.” 

The critical thing I learned is that a human’s spirit is different from the angel’s.  Angels are a separate creation from us.  Humans never become angels.  Angels were created to serve God in spiritual matters, and God has equipped them with special powers to do this.  Part of the angels’ responsibilities are to watch over us.  One of the special powers angels have is they can take on physical form!  It’s a great comfort to have this knowledge about angels.  However, angels are NOT to be worshipped.  They are creations of God just as we are.


On the other hand, satan and his demons seek to kill, maim, and destroy.  They desire to exert as much control over mankind as possible before this earth is destroyed.  They want to separate us from God, just as they are separated.  Demons are miserable entities, and they want humans to be as miserable as they are.

Discerning the difference between a good and evil spirit is critically important, but true discernment involves testing them as stated in 1 John 4:1.  “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are active out in the world.”  So, how does one go about testing the spirits, you might ask?  The answer is in 1 Corinthians 12:3.  “Understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calls Jesus accursed: and no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.”

Therefore we test the spirits by asking them if Jesus is the Christ and Lord, and if he walked the earth in human flesh. This will not phase a spirit from God, but it will have an effect on negative spirits who are deceptively pretending to be good. These spirits will try to fool us, but the power in that question will either anger a negative spirit, or simply make it leave without another word.

Humans have the ability to close doors to demonic attacks, but we also can inadvertently open doors.  Ouija boards, tarot cards, seances, books on the occult, astrology charts, fortune telling, necromancy (contacting the dead), certain movies and video games, and pornography are a few of the ways humans can open doors to demons without even realizing it.  As a teenager I was attacked by demons many, many nights.  They had the ability to physically chock me, as well as hiss in my ear terrible things. I hated those terrifying encounters in my bedroom.  As an adult I wondered why demons had this kind of control over me in my childhood home.  After my NDE (Near Death Experience) I realized my dad’s sexual sin (I was an incest survivor) opened the door to satan and his demons in our home.  At the age of 19 I discovered the power of the name of Jesus, and no longer struggled with these physical attacks by demonic forces.

Most people love to talk about angels, and they clammer for  stories from those who have been rescued by angels, or who have seen angels doing amazing things.  But hearing about demons makes us uncomfortable, and we'd rather not think about that side of things.  Yet both spiritual entities are to be taken equally seriously!

God motivated me to share all this so you can avoid being deceived!  Satan has no power over us when we acknowledge him and his minions, avoid those objects and activities which invite trouble, and use the powerful name of Jesus Christ.  The choices we make concerning spiritual beings (both good and bad) impact not just ourselves, but our families as well!  So choose carefully.

Saturday, August 23, 2014


I just learned from a very reliable source that “Americans will have an average of nine operations during their lifetime”.  The source is this month’s AARP magazine which is now one of my favorite reads.  (Aug/Sept '2014, page 18)  It got me to thinking about my 62 years on this earth, and my ten surgeries. 

Before the age of 50 I experienced three surgeries.  Two were minor, if there is such a thing as a “minor” operation; a tonsillectomy and a tubal ligation.  The third was traumatizing, scary, and came with a year of recovery.  My spine required fusion from T1 to L3 and a titanium rod was placed permanently into my back.  That surgery would also mark the beginning of the end of my fifteen year marriage.  “In sickness and in health” turned out to only be in health.  There was an ugly separation, a divorce, and a new life in college where I met my forever husband.  He taught geology classes, and I fell in love with this gentle, compassionate man.


My 50th year was a rough one.  I was flown to OHSU for emergency open-heart surgery and a total pericardectomy.  The sternum is sawed in half, then a heart/lung machine is attached, and the heart is taken out in order for the covering of the heart (pericardium) to be completely removed.  The recovery period was a year.  This surgery came after a couple of years of being sick with a mysterious illness which ended up being diagnosed as Sjogrens Auto-Immune Disorder.  From that point on I needed one operation after another; gallbladder, appendix, open-lung biopsy, thyroid, two cataract surgeries, and finally at age 56 oral surgery to have all my teeth removed.  Three days later I accidentally overdosed on Valium.  Twice during those six years I almost died.  Yet my second husband loyally cared for me and nursed me back to health through seven operations, and life threatening illness.


My medical story has an amazing ending.  I hit Americans average of nine operations and topped it by one, but then the unexpected happened.  God told me during my overdose that I would be healed, and I was.  One year later I no longer suffered from Sjogrens, or Lymphasytic Interstitial Pneumonia, or Valium addiction.  I’ve enjoyed almost six years of good health.  I give God the glory, not just for healing me, but for bringing a man into my life who would hang in there through sickness as well as  health.

I see a blog in my future about how to prepare and get through surgery in ten easy steps!  

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Tonight I had an epiphany, a moment of sudden revelation and insight.  For many years I’ve been extremely critical of myself as a parent.  I have three wonderful adult children whom I’m so proud of.  But whenever one of them struggles with something, or faces difficulty I blame myself.  

There are many times I’ve taken the blame for my children’s problems.  I could share specific examples, but because these stories are not just mine but my children’s I don’t feel free to describe them on this public forum.  (I think I just heard a collective sigh of relief coming from a couple of specific places on the planet.)  

There is one example I’ll share however.  My children are all in their mid to late thirties.  Two have never married.  And I’ve blamed myself.  Something I did, perhaps my own difficult first marriage, resulted in my children’s failure to marry.  The thought going through my head has always been, “It’s my fault”.

Not until I married the second time did I find marriage to be the satisfying experience I enjoy now.  My children were entering their teen years when I found my forever partner.  It’s always been my pray that my kids would find their forever partners too, but it just hasn’t happened . . . because of me.

This is a deep seated blame I had no idea where it came from until tonight.  

My women’s Bible study group is reading Joyce Meyer’s book, “Battlefield of the Mind”.  I got to one paragraph in the book which hit me cold in the face.  “Things that were on your parents can be passed on to you.  Attitudes, thoughts and behavior patterns can be inherited.  A wrong mindset that your parents had can become your mindset.  The way you think about a certain subject can be passed down to you, and you won’t even know why you think that way.”

Before I even finished reading this paragraph a long forgotten memory rushed to the surface.  It was a Friday evening in March of 1988.  Earlier that day I had been issued a restraining order on my first husband, and left with my children.  It was the day my fourteen year marriage ended.  I phoned my elderly parents to tell them.  My dad angrily responded, “You’ve ruined your children’s lives.  They will never get over this.  You’ve destroyed them.”  He handed the phone to mother, and didn’t speak to me again for a long time.  That’s all he said.  That’s all he needed to say.  In that moment I internally came into agreement with him.  From that point on anything bad that happened to my children was my fault.  I may not have said it out loud, but inwardly that is how I felt.

My parents grew up in the Great Depression.  They saw things in black and white, especially when it came to how families looked and behaved.  My dad always taught his three daughters that divorce was unacceptable when there were children involved.  Period.  One sister got divorced.  Then I went through divorce.  And finally my youngest sister divorced as well.  Many years later my dad would confess to me that his greatest shame and sense of failure in life came from all three of his children getting divorced.  He asked me, "Where did I go wrong with you girls?"  I simply replied, "Life happens daddy.  It's not your fault."  Yet here I was carrying the same false guilt my dad carried because he'd "shared" it with me.    

As the shame of this memory washed over me tears of pain came to my eyes.  I heard God clearly speak to me.  He said, “Your children have not been ‘ruined’ or ‘destroyed’”.  God continued, “Your children are mature, wise, and emotionally healthy adults who have weathered that difficult time.  In fact, they have great insight directly as a result of going through that time.”  God finished by saying, “Stop blaming yourself falsely because of angry words your earthly father spoke that day.”

Thoughtless words said many years ago had burdened me with a heavy load.  God released me tonight from the shame and guilt that were never meant for me to carry!