Life brings sunshine and rain. Both are needed to produce flowers.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Today, October 23rd, is a very special day for me!  Five years ago I overdosed on prescription medication, and should have died. God chose to extend my life in a miraculous way.  As I slipped away into unconsciousness I heard a heavenly voice say, "Call 911".  I recall starting to argue with the voice that I was feeling just fine.  But before I could get my thoughts out I heard the sentence repeated, and one word was added, "Call 911 NOW."   I have no memory of anything else from that moment until I awoke in the intensive care unit at our city hospital the next day.  I don't know how I made the call in my semi-conscious state.  According to the hospital emergency room records I was not even coherent when the call was made.  But I do know that if I had not made that early morning 911 call for myself I would not have been alive when my husband got home from work that night.  I do not take any single day since then for granted. "I'm living on borrowed time." Each day is a gift because of the gift of salvation which Jesus Christ died for. Have you received YOUR gift? Please watch this video!

Friday, October 11, 2013


My childhood home came with a father who could be explosive.  We never knew what might set him off, and after the blow-up the offending party would get the silent treatment for hours, or days.  I picked up that behavior, but eventually broke myself of it.  But I have a family member who continues to behave in this way.  Last night, for the umteenth time, this person didn’t like something I said, and hung up the phone on me.  Well, the umteenth time was one time too many for me.  I sat down at my computer, and started typing exactly what I wanted to say to this individual.  Two pages later I clicked save, and went to bed fuming.  (Fortunately this person does not have e-mail, or Facebook, or anything else to do with the computer age.)

I asked the Lord to show me what to do.  I knew what I wanted to do!  I wanted to mail them a copy of those two pages.  But what did the Lord want me to do?  I fell asleep with that question on my brain.  Each time I awoke the same question popped into my head.  And each time I just prayed, “God help me!  Show me what to do.”  

In the morning the scripture reading for the day was about how Jesus was not accepted in his hometown.  It added Jesus left there because he could do very few miracles because of their lack of faith.  It also spoke of Jesus warning to the disciples that accepting him would sometimes mean family will turn against you.  Then I saw the words “left that place” as if it were highlighted.  God was clearly telling me to not engage in conversation with this family member.  Just walk away.  Let God deal with them.  God is more then capable of revealing to them anything they need to know about their bad behavior.

I gave this person to Jesus, and immediately felt at peace.  The anger was instantly gone!  I knew that just walking away was the right decision for me.  I had a birthday card I hadn’t mailed this person because of my anger.  I pulled out the card, signed it, addressed it, and put it in the mail.

I’ve gone about my day with joy knowing God is in charge.  I’m thankful I didn’t go more then one sleepless night dealing with anger and frustration.