Life brings sunshine and rain. Both are needed to produce flowers.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Today, October 23rd, is a very special day for me!  Five years ago I overdosed on prescription medication, and should have died. God chose to extend my life in a miraculous way.  As I slipped away into unconsciousness I heard a heavenly voice say, "Call 911".  I recall starting to argue with the voice that I was feeling just fine.  But before I could get my thoughts out I heard the sentence repeated, and one word was added, "Call 911 NOW."   I have no memory of anything else from that moment until I awoke in the intensive care unit at our city hospital the next day.  I don't know how I made the call in my semi-conscious state.  According to the hospital emergency room records I was not even coherent when the call was made.  But I do know that if I had not made that early morning 911 call for myself I would not have been alive when my husband got home from work that night.  I do not take any single day since then for granted. "I'm living on borrowed time." Each day is a gift because of the gift of salvation which Jesus Christ died for. Have you received YOUR gift? Please watch this video!

1 comment:

  1. You are amazing and I'm so glad God protected you. Love and miss you, April!
